At Convocation on Thursday, Head of School Suzanne Walker Buck welcomed this year’s Pioneers with optimism and earnesty, sharing sources of inspiration from the summer, like the Olympics. Convocation is Reserve’s own version of an Opening Ceremony, and today’s time in the Chapel included pomp, tradition and pride.

“I’m struck by how rare it is to have an opportunity for individuals to come together at the same time and in the same place united in a shared goal. I was inspired by Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, who noted humankind’s ability to come together, while honoring that which makes us unique.”

Buck acknowledged the range of emotions that come with the start of school…from excitement, to nerves, to going with the flow.

“Regardless of where you sit on the spectrum of emotions, WRA is thrilled you are here,” she said.

Hats were tipped to Pioneers of every type…a member of the U.S. Junior National Chess team; a junior world champion for free flight model aircraft; a winning motocross competitor; students who spent time this summer at Baylor College of Medicine as part of a medical and research internship; and performers and athletes ready to begin a year of creation and celebration.

Buck shared that there are 40 countries and 30 states represented in our student community this year.

“May all of you discover joy and foster it for others,” she said.

Next, Fine & Performing Arts Faculty Midge Karam inducted the following twelve students into the prestigious Cum Laude Society: Zhongchen Martin Cai ’25, Keven Gong ’25, Hanqin Harley Gu ’25, Isabella Haslinger Johnson ’25, Riya Hegde ’25, Claire Hua ’25, Ethan Jing ’25, Sofia Kovacevic ’25, Addien Lewis ’25, Sehar Mahesh ’25, Hyunwoo Nicole Pae ’25 and Lingzhen Loretta Wang ’25. The Society recognizes students with distinguished academic records at WRA, calling on its members to contribute to a greater understanding of the world through their intellectual curiosity and pursuits. Karam closed the venerable induction by encouraging honorees to, “Celebrate the light and seek the truth,” perfectly aligned with the school motto of Lux et Veritas.

One of the favorite traditions of Convocation is when those newest to the boarding school community, and then the longest tenured faculty, take to the podium to share fresh thoughts and timeless wisdom. Julia Steck (Admissions) and Jacob Simmons (Student Life) spoke first, with Steck reading from Morgan Harper Nichols’ book, All Along You Were Blooming, and Simmons sharing “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.” Then English Faculty Jeff Warner and Social Sciences Faculty Sarah Horgan addressed the students, with Warner sharing in Buck’s Olympic inspiration and Horgan reading the words of Maya Angelou.

Warner said Olympic gymnast Simone Biles shared simple advice she received: “Be where your feet are.” He gives this same advice to his runners, he said, but it applies to everyone, suggesting that we all bring our full attention to the present moment in order to manage life and its stressors and persevere.

Horgan’s recitation of Angelou’s “A Brave and Startling Truth,” was written in commemoration of the United Nations in 1995, and explores human potential and the responsibility people have to the world around them. The UN connection was especially meaningful to Horgan, who heads the Model UN club at WRA and brings her civility, passion for international and human relations, and respect for the opportunity to learn at Reserve to our community.

Convocation closed this year on a beautiful and harmonious high when new WRA alumnus Cavin Xue ‘24, led a string quartet of his (still at Reserve) peers performing a special version of the alma mater that Xue arranged.

Happy New Year, Pioneers!